1. M.H.E.D Programme of Work for 2021
To be announced shortly...
2. Completed Projects - West Africa
These are the latest projects completed in West Africa:
1. Nov/Dec 2012, Mental Health Module, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast
2. Jun 2012: Pantang NTC, & Ankaful NTC; Training of the Trainers & mentorship training & teaching nursing Students. Diaspora Volunteers for 4 weeks.
3. Nov/Dec 2011, Mental Health Module, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast
4. Oct./Dec. 2011: SHMS, UDS Nursing Department. Mental Health Module for Undergraduate Nursing
5. Nov.2011; School of Medical Sciences (SMHS), UDS Mental Health Module for Nursing Students.
6. Jun 2011: Pantang NTC, & Ankaful NTC; Training of the Trainers & Mentorship training & Teaching Nursing Students ; 6 Diaspora Volunteers for 3 weeks.
7. April, 2011: Rural Health Training School (RHTS), Kintampo ; Mental health training for Medical Assistants 4 DVs for 2 weeks.
8. Feb/Mar 2011: SMHS, UDS, and Tamale ;Teaching Hospital Mental Diseases module for Medicine PBL Year 3 ;4 Diaspora Volunteers for 5 weeks.
9. Jan 2011: National Postgraduate Medical College, Faculty of Psychiatrists. Nigeria. Venue, Yaba Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Lagos. Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) training course. 1 Diaspora Volunteer for 7 days
10. Jan/Feb 2011: UGMS, Accra ; Senior Clerkship in Clinical Psychiatry 15 DVs for 5 weeks.
11. Sept/Oct 2010: School of Health and Medical Sciences (SHMS), University of Development Studies (UDS)Start up meeting of DelPHE project; 1 DV for 1 week.
12. Mar/Apr. 2007: UGMS, Four week undergraduate senior clerkship in clinical psychiatry teaching, (Diaspora volunteers: Gyimah, Addae, Sowa, Ulzen, Doku, Orleans-Foli, Akenzua, Okyere, de-Graft Aikins).
13. Mar/Apr. 2006:University of Ghana Medical School (UGMS), Four-week Undergraduate Senior Clerkship in Clinical Psychiatry teaching for final year medical students. (Diaspora volunteers, Addo, Asamoah, Ulzen, Gyimah, Okyere, Fashola, and Doku).
14. Mar/Apr. 2006: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), School of Medical Sciences (SMS), undergraduate lectures in Child, learning disability and general adult psychiatry lectures. ( Diaspora volunteers: Drs Addo, Asamoah and Doku).
15. June 2006: Rural Health Training School (RHTS), Kintampo, Mental Health Course for Medical Assistants (MAs) (Post basic group) One week block teaching . (Diaspora Team members: De-Graft, Prah and Doku)
16. Nov 2005: Nigerian Postgraduate Medical College (NPMC) Faculty of Psychiatrists, University College of Ibadan, Department of Psychiatry. Five day training of postgraduate psychiatric trainees and psychiatriats in the use of the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Venue: Yaba Psychiatric Hospital, Lagos. (Diaspora Volunteer: Victor Doku).
For the full list of projects completed in West Africa click here .....
1. Nov/Dec 2012, Mental Health Module, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast
2. Jun 2012: Pantang NTC, & Ankaful NTC; Training of the Trainers & mentorship training & teaching nursing Students. Diaspora Volunteers for 4 weeks.
3. Nov/Dec 2011, Mental Health Module, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast
4. Oct./Dec. 2011: SHMS, UDS Nursing Department. Mental Health Module for Undergraduate Nursing
5. Nov.2011; School of Medical Sciences (SMHS), UDS Mental Health Module for Nursing Students.
6. Jun 2011: Pantang NTC, & Ankaful NTC; Training of the Trainers & Mentorship training & Teaching Nursing Students ; 6 Diaspora Volunteers for 3 weeks.
7. April, 2011: Rural Health Training School (RHTS), Kintampo ; Mental health training for Medical Assistants 4 DVs for 2 weeks.
8. Feb/Mar 2011: SMHS, UDS, and Tamale ;Teaching Hospital Mental Diseases module for Medicine PBL Year 3 ;4 Diaspora Volunteers for 5 weeks.
9. Jan 2011: National Postgraduate Medical College, Faculty of Psychiatrists. Nigeria. Venue, Yaba Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Lagos. Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) training course. 1 Diaspora Volunteer for 7 days
10. Jan/Feb 2011: UGMS, Accra ; Senior Clerkship in Clinical Psychiatry 15 DVs for 5 weeks.
11. Sept/Oct 2010: School of Health and Medical Sciences (SHMS), University of Development Studies (UDS)Start up meeting of DelPHE project; 1 DV for 1 week.
12. Mar/Apr. 2007: UGMS, Four week undergraduate senior clerkship in clinical psychiatry teaching, (Diaspora volunteers: Gyimah, Addae, Sowa, Ulzen, Doku, Orleans-Foli, Akenzua, Okyere, de-Graft Aikins).
13. Mar/Apr. 2006:University of Ghana Medical School (UGMS), Four-week Undergraduate Senior Clerkship in Clinical Psychiatry teaching for final year medical students. (Diaspora volunteers, Addo, Asamoah, Ulzen, Gyimah, Okyere, Fashola, and Doku).
14. Mar/Apr. 2006: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), School of Medical Sciences (SMS), undergraduate lectures in Child, learning disability and general adult psychiatry lectures. ( Diaspora volunteers: Drs Addo, Asamoah and Doku).
15. June 2006: Rural Health Training School (RHTS), Kintampo, Mental Health Course for Medical Assistants (MAs) (Post basic group) One week block teaching . (Diaspora Team members: De-Graft, Prah and Doku)
16. Nov 2005: Nigerian Postgraduate Medical College (NPMC) Faculty of Psychiatrists, University College of Ibadan, Department of Psychiatry. Five day training of postgraduate psychiatric trainees and psychiatriats in the use of the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Venue: Yaba Psychiatric Hospital, Lagos. (Diaspora Volunteer: Victor Doku).
For the full list of projects completed in West Africa click here .....
3. Completed Projects - UK
Annual Mental Health Talks to year ten students as part of the Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE) curriculum of St Dunstan's College, Catford, 2007,2008 and 2009. (Diaspora Volunteer: Victor Doku)
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