Teaching & Learning Activities
- Nigerian Postgraduate Medical College (NPMC) Faculty of Psychiatrists, University of College Hospital Ibadan, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Lagos: Five day training of postgraduate psychiatric trainees and psychiatrists on the use of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Venue: Yaba Psychiatric Hospital, Lagos. November 2005. (Diaspora Volunteer: Victor Doku).
- University of Ghana Medical School (UGMS), Four-week Undergraduate Senior Clerkship in Clinical Psychiatry teaching for final year medical students. 13th March -7th April 2006. (Diaspora volunteers, Addo, Asamoah, Ulzen, Gyimah, Okyere, Fashola, and Doku).
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), School of Medical Sciences (SMS), undergraduate lectures in Child, learning disability and general adult psychiatry lectures: 13th March -7th April 2006. ( Diaspora volunteers: Drs Addo, Asamoah and Doku).
- Rural Health Training School (RHTS), Kintampo, Mental Health Course for Medical Assistants (MAs) (Post basic group) One week block teaching : 12th-17th June 2006. (Diaspora Team members: De-Graft, Prah and Doku).
- UGMS, Four week undergraduate senior clerkship in clinical psychiatry teaching, 19th March – 13th April 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: Gyimah, Addae, Sowa, Ulzen, Doku, Orleans-Foli, Akenzua, Okyere, de-Graft Aikins).
- KNUST/SMS, undergraduate lectures in child, learning disability and general adult psychiatry: 19th March to 13th April 2007. (Diaspora volunteer: Dr Ama Addo).
- RHTS, Mental health course for Medical Assistants (Direct entry MAs and post -basic MAs) 16th -21st April 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: Doku, Prah, Ofe-Boakye, Damptey, Leo-Andoh, Boampong H, Boampong S).
- Psychiatric Nursing training colleges training, Ankaful and Pantang, June 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: de-Graft, de-Graft Aikins, Kumi-Yeboah, Prah).
- RHTS Mental Health Course for Medical Assistants (Direct Entry MAs), November 26th – 1st December 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: Doku, Ofe-Boakye, Damptey).
- Psychiatric Nursing Training Colleges-Visit to obtain feedback on training, November 21-25 November 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: Ofe-Boakye and Damptey).
- Nigerian Postgraduate Medical College (NPMC) Faculty of Psychiatrists, University of College Hospital Ibadan, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Lagos: Five day training of postgraduate psychiatric trainees and psychiatrists on the use of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Venue: Yaba Psychiatric Hospital, Lagos. November 2007. (Diaspora Volunteer: Victor Doku).
- Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons; Short course for residents in psychiatry, 21st to 24th of December 2007. (Diaspora volunteers: Akenzua and Doku).
- UGMS, Five week annual undergraduate senior clerkship in clinical psychiatry teaching, 3rd March – 4th April 2008 (Diaspora volunteers: Gyimah, Addo, Gboloo-Teye, de-Graft Aikins).
- KNUST/SMS, undergraduate lectures in child, learning disability psychiatry,March, 2008. (Diaspora volunteer: Dr Ama Addo).
- Psychiatric NTC training course for Nursing tutors, senior nursing staff and students, Ankaful and Pantang NTCs, June 2008. (Diaspora volunteers: Prah, Tagoe, Bampoe and Adzinku).
- RHTS Medical assistant training, 27th July to 2nd August 2008. (Diaspora Volunteers: Doku, Ofe-Boakye, Otchere, Wusu-Takyi, Prah).
- Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria. Five day training of the trainers of community health workers in mental health. January 2009. Diaspora Volunteer : Victor Doku. Other resource persons Professor Rachel Jenkins, Institute of Psychiatry, London and Professor Oye Gureje, UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- UGMS Five week annual undergraduate senior clerkship in clinical psychiatry, teaching, 3nd March – 2nd April 2009. (Diaspora volunteers: Gyimah, Gboloo-Teye, Kwamie, Addo, Ocansey, Okyere, Ulzen).
- KNUST/SMS, undergraduate lectures in child, learning disability psychiatry, March, 2009. (Diaspora volunteer: Dr Ama Addo).
- Psychiatric NTC training course for Nursing tutors, senior nursing staff and students. Ankaful and Pantang NTCs, June 2009. (Diaspora volunteers: Prah, Tagoe and Bampoe)
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